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795C Exmouth St Sarnia, Behind INITIA REAL ESTATE
Corner of Exmouth and Copland Rd.
My Thoughts about the Kin Organization
In every community where there is a Kinsmen Club, the community has been changed for the better, service clubs make a difference in the community to which reside, they add to Recreation facilities and Community Events, in Sarnia The Kinsmen Club of Sarnia is no different in past years they have contributed to the Santa Claus Parade , assisted the City of Sarnia with the Canada Day Parade, food Baskets at Christmas, Cystic Fibrosis activities and contributions to non-profit originations within the region.
I have been a member of the KIN organization for 27 years, of which I would say 26 years were fantastic, fun and rewarding.
The last of which of being a member of Sarnia Kinsmen Club.
Kinsmen has National By laws regarding Conduct of its members, which brings me to my demise of my membership within KIN.
In December of 2016 I had found out that the President of the Club was under house arrest, which means he was before the courts of Ontario and found guilty of a charge, what he was charged for may not have affected the Club, however National by-laws request that from time to time a criminal records check be done for protection of the community.
In December of 2016 I brought this item up as a motion, that the club pay for a criminal records check for the president, and all broke out, meaning they realized I hit on a vulnerable subject and was quickly quieted as this affected the president directly.
In January of 2017 I received a letter stating that I was no longer part of the club due to bullying.
I questioned this with the governing body, district and National officers including the National Director and I was shunned from the organization.
The Sarnia Kinsmen Club allowed me to have a meeting with them to appeal their decision, the result was; We voted you in and we voted you out" and ended with them trashing me with events that had taken place over 20 years ago, which had no reflection on Kinsmen, My Spouse and I really thought that meeting was a waste of time as the clubs mind was set.
However, what was I doing for the Kinsmen Club of Sarnia at that time: Built the Sarnia Kinsmen Website, Provided a detailed report/Bid for National Convention in Sarnia (which was accepted) by National, performed IT work for two computers, taught the Treasurer how to use quick books and set up the accounting program, meanwhile the club wanted me to keep up the website and continue to teach the treasurer how to maintain the books/records. Although my services were suggested to be a paid for service after February 2017.
Since then realizing, my contribution to The Kinsmen Organization in Sarnia and area even being a Deputy Governor for Zone G in 2015/2016 Kin Year has been nothing but rewarding to me, but not recognized by the Sarnia Club, nor by anyone else in the District 1 KIN or by National Members. I tried to start a new Club within Sarnia and received a phone Call from the National Director for a CEASE and DISMISS starting a new club (KIN) , calls and messages were made to National Directors and no response, my thoughts are .. They think I will just go away and subject matter is closed, it isn't and I will not give up 27 years of community service..overnight.
The National Board of directors are re-addressing the Code of Conduct and are looking at outside agencies to review the policy, I made a comment on this on Social Media requesting to see the New Policy and was blocked.
Do I want to be a Kinsmen.. Yes.. Do I want to make a Better Community in which I reside ...YES... Do I want to my Skill sets to Grow... YES....Do I want to create a community for the future ...YES.
Yes I can go to other Service Clubs and volunteer but I really feel that I have been treated with prejudice and unfairly. A Spokesperson for the Kinsmen Club of Sarnia felt I misinterpreted the Policy and was wrongful in the motion in December, My interpretation is of the National Policy, if there is a change in community status, please step down from running the club, or remove yourself from the organization until the dust is settled for Public Safety.
No Changes were made in the executive until the mandatory re-election in April/May but the president at that time is now part of the executive as Past President....???
(I have included for downloads the Code and Conduct Policy set by Kin CANADA and letter of termination of membership)